JE SUIS CHARLIE | We’ll Never Forget | Poster Blog

JE SUIS CHARLIE | We’ll never forget!


Today, we honour the victims of the Paris attacks and of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, two years ago.

Freedom of speech and of expression are principles we should actively speak up for every day in our personal and professional lives. We can and should always support these fundamental rights, artistic expression, satire and cultural criticism and exercise them with caution and responsibility.

We ALL ARE CHARLIE and no one should be silenced for his/her beliefs or opinion. Read more on our tribute page.

Quote: I would prefer to die on my feet rather than to live on my knees. – Stéphane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier

Quote: If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. – George Orwell

In memory of all the victims of the Paris attacks of January 7-9, 2015.

Your BadFishPosters Team


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